Step 3 - Company Operations

  1. Indicate if you will you be operating in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut or both.

  2. Provide at least one location of operations for the territories in which you operating.

  3. Indicate whether you will be operating in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut permanently or temporarily.

    If your business is permanent, you will only be required to provide the start date.

    If your business is operating on a temporary basis, you will be required to provide the start and end date.

    Note: You are not required to register your company if you are operating for 10 calendar days or less in a calendar year.

  4. Indicate if you will you have workers (other than owners, partners or registered directors) in the Northwest Territories and/or Nunavut.

    If yes, you will need to specify how many workers, their total estimated annual payroll and the date you hired workers for the Northwest Territories, Nunavut or both:

  5. Indicate whether you have a contract (either verbal or written).

    If yes, please add the name of the employer/company that has hired you:

    Add more employers by clicking on the plus icon.

  6. Indicate whether you have or will hire a contractor(s) to perform work in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut.

    If yes, please add the name of the employer/company that you have hired or will hire.

    Add more employers by clicking on the plus icon.

  7. Depending on your selections above, you may also be asked if you are registering for proof of registration or to bid on contracts.

  8. Depending on your selections above, you may also be asked a series of additional information questions.

  9. Continue
    Click Continue to move to the next step.
    You can also click Close to exit the registration application. You can still open and work with this registration until it is submitted to the WSCC.