Terms of Use
Terms and Conditions
NOTE: Only persons authorized by the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) may access this web site. Access by others is prohibited and unauthorized. The WSCC monitors access to this site; unauthorized access may result in prosecution.
Keeping your information secure is important to WSCC. Our registration process and security system ensures that only you will have to access your account information or information deemed relevant to your business with the WSCC.
Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
- By signing up for WSCC Connect, I understand I will receive emails of information regarding work injuries, employer premiums, or other matters concerning my relationship with WSCC.
- The WSCC is committed to respecting the privacy of people who visit its website. The WSCC collects, uses, and discloses your personal information in accordance with the privacy provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Acts and Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and any other applicable legislation. Personal information is broadly defined by the ATIPP Act to include recorded information about identifiable individuals.
- This privacy statement relates only to the information collected from you as a result of your visit to WSCC Connect, not from wscc.nt.ca. For information on WSCC’s corporate website click here.
- By accessing information from a WSCC application, or providing information to the WSCC through a WSCC application, I agree and understand that any and all information obtained about any third party, including any worker under the Workers ' Compensation Act, shall:
(a) be held in the strictest of confidence and in compliance with the Workers ' Compensation Acts, Safety Acts, and the Access of information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP), whichever applies; and
(b) not be disclosed to anyone or used in any proceeding, except as is reasonably necessary in proceedings before the Workers ' Safety and Compensation Commission, Appeals Tribunal, or further appeals or applications for judicial review of decisions of those bodies, without the written consent of WSCC - You are responsible and accountable for all use of your Connect Code, username, and password and you must take prudent measures to protect your credentials. You may only use your username and password to perform activities related to your business with the WSCC, and you may only perform authorized functions. Any unauthorized attempt to access or modify computer system information or to interfere with normal systems operations, whether on the WSCC computer systems or networks that are accessible from WSCC, may result in the suspension or termination of your access and possible legal action.
- Information sent to the WSCC will only have legal effect after it is accessible to the WSCC.
- If you receive information from the WSCC through this service and suspect that it is incomplete, inaccurate, corrupted in transmission, or not intended for you, you must notify the WSCC and request clarification.
- If you receive notification that information that you sent to the WSCC is incomplete, inaccurate, or corrupted, you must take appropriate corrective action.
Limitation of Liability
- The WSCC reserves the right to disable the service as necessary, for the purposes of routine maintenance, or as an emergency termination of electronic computer connections to protect resources from illegal access or other damage. In the case of an unanticipated service failure, the WSCC will make best attempts to restore the service to normal operating conditions as quickly as possible. Temporary disruption of the service will not constitute termination of the Agreement or relieve you from your general obligations to report to the WSCC.
- The user of this service acknowledges that information provided by the user to the WSCC and by the WSCC to the user through this service is subject to the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act and Access of information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP). Consequently, the parties will treat all information received or accessed under this agreement as confidential and will not disclose it in any manner except as may be required under those Acts. The user recognizes that the WSCC may be required to release information received from the user pursuant to the Workers ' Compensation Act or ATIPP, and agrees that if such disclosure is required, the user will provide details of the disclosure to the WSCC.
- The WSCC accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind that the user of this service may suffer as a result of its use. By using this service, the user specifically accepts all legal and general liability for any loss that may arise from such use.
Preauthorized Payment
- The WSCC accepts preauthorized payments by Visa, Mastercard, Discovery, Visa Debit, and Debit Mastercard.
- By providing your card information to WSCC Connect, you authorize WSCC to process all payments that are determined by the WSCC to be due and owing, using this card until its expiration or until you delete or replace it. All card information is securely stored.
- In the event your preauthorized payment is declined, we will attempt the transaction again, once a day for three consecutive days. You will receive an email notification for each successful or unsuccessful transaction. You will be contacted by a WSCC representative if your transaction is still unsuccessful after three attempts.
- You will receive an email notification one month prior to the expiration date on your card.
- If calculation errors occur resulting in collection of fees in excess of the amount required, the WSCC will issue a refund (cheque or account credit or credit card credit).