Report Unsafe Work

  1. Hover over OHS e-Services and under Unsafe Work, click on Report Unsafe Work.


    From the home page, click on the Report Unsafe Work icon.

    Click Report Unsafe Work.

  2. Complete your Report of Unsafe Work. Provide as many details as possible. Be sure to fill out all required fields indicated by the red asterisk.

    Incident Date - Enter (YYYY-MM-DD) or select a date. You will not be permitted to enter a future date.

    Incident Time
    - Select a time. If you do not remember or know the exact time of day, please provide your best estimate.

    - Select either NT or NU.

    Location of Unsafe Work
    - Select a location type. If you select City/Community, then you will be able to select from a list of cities/towns. Please pick the closest location.

    Street Address or Location Description
    - Provide a street address, street location, junction or GPS coordinates. If the incident happens on a road way include the
    closest mile marker. You can also provide a description of the location if none of the above is known.

    Hazard Type
    - Select at least one hazard type from the list provided.

    Description of Unsafe Work
    - Provide your account of the unsafe activities witnessed. Include as much information as possible including worker, company names (if known), and date and time. This will assist the officer/inspector with the follow-up.

  3. Please provide your contact information and click Submit. You will also need to accept the Report of Unsafe Work Terms and Conditions before you can submit your report.

    If you are logged into WSCC Connect, your contact information will automatically be filled in for you. If you do not wish to be contacted, you must check the box and your information will be removed. Please update any of your details before you click Submit.

    If you are not logged into WSCC Connect, you will be required to complete the I am not a robot question prior to submitting your report.

    Report anonymously: To report the incident anonymously, check I do not wish to be contacted by the WSCC.

    Upon submitting your report, WSCC Connect will provide you with a reference number. If you have provided your email address, you will also receive an email containing your report details and a reference number. If you choose to follow up with the WSCC directly, please provide your reference number.