How can I check to see if an Employer’s Report of Incident - Injury Section is complete and ready to be submitted?

Please note: Only Incident Owners can see the injury report sections they have created.

  1. Hover over OHS E-Services. Under Employer’s Report of Incident, click Search Incidents and Injuries

  2. If you are not logged in, the system requires you to first log in. If you do not yet have an online account, please create an account. You will also need to add your employer. If you are NOT the Access Administrator, you will need to request access from your Access Administrator to allow you an Employer’s Report of Incident role so you can report on your employer’s behalf. 

  3. Search Incidents: 

    There are several ways you can Search:
    • Employer: You can select your employer from the list to see incidents specific to that employer.
    • Incident Reference Number: You can enter your incident reference number if you are looking for a specific submission (The reference number is found in the subject line of the confirmation email received from a submitted report).
    • Injury Reference Number: You can enter your injury reference number if you are looking for a specific injury report.
    • Incident Owner: You can select an incident owner from the list or select ‘All’.
    • Incident Date: You can provide a start/end date range.

Click Search. Your results will appear in the list below the Search button. 

Click on Submit Report of Injury to open the injury report.

You can see the report’s status in brackets to the right of the injured worker’s name.

There are five possible status states:

  1. Pending: When an injury report has been started, but not yet submitted to WSCC.
  2. Submitted: When an injury report has been submitted to the WSCC.
  3. Under Review: When an injury report has been assigned to a WSCC Representative for review.
  4. Actioned: When the review of an injury report has been completed.
  5. Cancelled: When an injury report has been cancelled by the assigned Claims Representative.