Report Unsafe Work - Terms of Use

Report Unsafe Work is the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission’s (WSCC) online tool for reporting unsafe work or work conditions. Use this tool to inform a WSCC Safety Officer or Inspector of Mines of situations, things, or conditions that may expose a person to risk of injury or occupational disease.

The WSCC will receive immediate notification of your posting. All reports will be vetted by the WSCC, and then anonymously shared within the Report Unsafe Work tool so you can track the status of your post, and to inform and alert others to the risk.

The WSCC cannot use Report Unsafe Work, or any other form of social media, to discuss individual accounts or claims. Employers and injured workers must contact us at 1-800-661-0792 to discuss specific incidents or claims, or any other issue involving personal and confidential information.

Report Unsafe Work is not a means for employers or injured workers to submit official reports of workplace injuries, incidents, or fatalities to the WSCC. Submitting a report of unsafe work using this tool alerts the WSCC to a current or potential incident. It does not meet the legislative reporting requirements under the Safety Act, the Mine Health and Safety Act, orthe Workers’ Compensation Act. Official communications as required by any WSCC administered legislation are not accepted through this tool. To report an incident, call the 24-hour Incident Reporting Line 1-800-661-0792. To make a report of injury under the Workers’ Compensation Act, please contact or

By submitting an unsafe work report, you agree to abide by these terms of use.

Validity of Reports of Unsafe Work: You acknowledge that any postings you make using the Report Unsafe Work tool are true and factual. It is an offence to provide false information to the WSCC.

Availability: The WSCC’s Prevention Services Division administers the use of Report Unsafe Work. We recognize the internet is a 24/7 medium. Your use of the Report Unsafe Work tool is encouraged at all times. You will receive an automatic response confirming receipt of your report. Upon receiving your report, a WSCC Safety Officer or Inspector of Mines will promptly take necessary action, and may contact you to follow-up with your report immediately or during normal business hours. Details of your report will be posted to the Report Unsafe Work tool the next business day (Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, MST).

Avoid inappropriate material: Reports must be free ofany libelous, defamatory, unlawful, inflammatory, obscene, abusive, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate material.

If your report contains inappropriate or personal information, the Safety Officer or Inspector of Mines will edit your report before posting it to the Report Unsafe Work tool. Personal information includes image, name, or other identifying details of any worker or person on a worksite. All posted reports of unsafe work will protect the privacy of persons involved, including the identity of the person submitting the report.

WSCC rights: By using this tool, you grant the WSCC a royalty–free, irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive license (which it may sublicense) to use, publish, reproduce, modify, translate such content and distribute it in whole or in part with other works in any form, media or technology such as the WSCC’s website or social media accounts.

Contact by WSCC: When you use this tool you can choose to remain anonymous. However, if you provide your contact information, you agree the WSCC may use your information in the event a Safety Officer or Inspector of Mines may want to contact you to clarify or further discuss your submission.

Questions: if you have any questions aboutReport Unsafe Workcontact