How do I close my Asbestos Project?
1. Hover over OHS E-Services. Under Notifications, click Search Notifications.
From the home page, click the Asbestos Project Notification icon.
Then click the Search Notifications link.
2. If you are not logged in, the system requires you to do so. If you do not yet have an online account, please create an account. You will also need to add your employer. If you are NOT the Access Administrator, you will need to request access from your Access Administrator to allow you to submit project notifications online for your employer.
3. Search Notifications
a. Provide your search parameters:
- Employer - You can select your employer from the list to see notifications specific to that employer.
- Reference number - You can enter your reference number, if you are looking for a specific submission.
- Notification # - If a notification has been submitted, you can search by the notification number.
- Project Start Date from/to - You can provide a start/end date range.
- Type - You can search by a specific notification type.
- Phase - You can search by a specific phase.
b. Click Search. Your results will appear in the list below the search parameters.
4. Review each section and ensure all information is up to date. Ensure the following areas have been updated:
a. Actual project start/end dates
b. Compliance to orders issued in inspections records
c. Final analytical reports
d. List of asbestos abatement locations at the worksite
e. Scope of work completed
f. Waste manifest (if applicable)
5. Click Close Project.
The system will notify the WSCC of your project closure request.
Note: The WSCC will process your project closure request within five business days. If additional information is required, the project contacts will be notified. Once the WSCC has reached a decision, you will be notified by email. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact the WSCC.