How can I check the status of my Asbestos Project Notification?

1. Hover over OHS E-Services. Under Notifications, click Search Notifications.

From the home page, click the Asbestos Project Notification icon.

Then click the Search Notifications link.

2. If you are not logged in, the system requires you to do so. If you do not yet have an online account, please create an account. You will also need to add your employer. If you are NOT the Access Administrator, you will need to request access from your Access Administrator to allow you to submit project notifications online for your employer.

3. Search Notifications

a. Provide your search parameters:

  • Employer - You can select your employer from the list to see notifications specific to that employer.
  • Reference number - You can enter your reference number, if you are looking for a specific submission.
  • Notification # - If a notification has been submitted, you can search by the notification number.
  • Project Start Date from/to - You can provide a start/end date range.
  • Type - You can search by a specific notification type.
  • Phase - You can search by a specific phase.

b. Click Search. Your results will appear in the list below the search parameters.

You can click on the Notification # link to open the notification. If the notification is currently being reviewed by the WSCC, you will not be able to make any changes to it.
You can see the status of your notification under the Phase and State columns on the search results grid.

There are five project notification phases:

  1. New Project Notification: During this phase, the notification is Pending until it is Submitted to the WSCC. Once submitted, the notification is Under Review. If the WSCC requires additional information, it will be sent back for Client Review. Once the WSCC determines the project is compliant, the project moves to the Monitor and Update phase.
  2. Monitor and Update: During this phase, the project will either be Compliant or Non-compliant. This is determined by the WSCC. Once a project has been completed, it will move to the Close Project phase.
  3. Close Project: During this phase, the project is Under Review. If the WSCC requires additional information, it will be sent back for Client Review. The WSCC will then determine if the project is Complete.
  4. Cancelled: The project has been Cancelled.
  5. Archived: Completed projects are archived after a certain period.